{Resep: yang Enak! Brownies Minimini
Brownies Minimini. Try Drive Up, Pick Up, or Same Day Delivery. Prepare brownie mix according to package directions for fudge-like brownies. Fill paper-lined miniature muffin cups two-thirds full.
The hardest part was deciding which M&M's to choose from. Long gone are the days of just Plain M&M's and Peanut M&M's. Don't get me wrong, the classic flavors are still alive and kicking, but the selection has grown and expanded to include varieties like Peanut Butter, Pretzel, Dark Chocolate, Mint, Gingerbread and SO many more choices! Cara membuatnya cukup mudah Brownies Minimini menggunakan 12 bahan dan 4 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Brownies Minimini
- Siapkan 7 sdm terigu (aq pake cakra).
- Siapkan 2 telur.
- Dibutuhkan 6 gula pasir.
- Siapkan 2 sdm margarin cair.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt soda kue.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt SP.
- Siapkan 4 sdm minyak.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdt SKM coklat.
- Siapkan 6 sdm coklat bubuk.
- Siapkan 1/4 sdt garam.
- Dibutuhkan 2 sdm wijen.
- Siapkan Springkle n coklat serut/keju(keju habis jd tak pake).
Food processor wet ingredients: begin by adding the beans, oil, vanilla, and water. Dry ingredients: In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the brown sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt.; Combine: Pour the wet ingredients over top, and gently fold until well combined. During the last minute of freeze time, in a microwave safe bowl, combine the chocolate chips, butter and heavy cream. Simple Chocolate Chip Cookies, but Mini!
Cara Pembuatan Brownies Minimini
- Mixer telur,gula pasir,SP hingga kaku(kec. tinggi).
- Masukkan terigu,coklat bubuk,,soda kue,wijen, minyak,margarin,SKM coklat garam ke no.1, aduk2 pake spatula..
- Masukan adonan ke cetakan (aq pake cetakan kue talam), taburi springkle atasnya, kukus hingga matang (jika ditusuk lidi tak lengket tanda matang y...) ---> Kukusan dipanaskan dulu y... n tutupnya dikasih serbet..
- Sajikan dg ditaburi coklat serut/keju n sedikit springkle lagi..
I have so many recipes for chocolate chip cookies, but until now had not made mini chocolate chip cookies. What was I waiting for, because these are so good. Mini food has a way of tasting better. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats. (Always recommended for cookies.) Set aside. Whisk the flour, baking soda, and salt together until combined.
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