{Cara Memasak Anti Ribet! Chewy Brownies
Chewy Brownies. Scrumptious Brownie Recipes To Make Any Meal A Success With Kraft®, Try Today! Rich chocolate chewy brownies, not cakey at all! On their own the brownies are fairly nondescript -more cake-like than chewy (reduce or eliminate the baking powder next time) and not deeply chocolate enough (next time substitute a couple of tablespoons of cocoa to replace same amount of flour and maybe add a teaspoon or two of espresso powder or instant coffee granules to intensify the.
Unsweetened chocolate and brown sugar impart a rich, well-rounded flavor, while adding a bit of oil to the batter results in the addictively chewy texture that makes this version an instant classic. If you're looking for a classic, crowd-pleasing, decadent chocolate brownie recipe, this one's for you. In fact, it may even convince you to quit buying the box of brownie mix altogether. Cara membuatnya cukup mudah Chewy Brownies menggunakan 15 bahan dan 7 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Chewy Brownies
- Siapkan 150 gram Chocolate blok DCC.
- Siapkan 50 gran Butter (unsalted atau salted).
- Dibutuhkan 40 ml minyak sayur.
- Dibutuhkan 2 butir telur ayam.
- Dibutuhkan 150 gram gula halus.
- Siapkan 100 gram tepung terigu, ayak.
- Siapkan 35 gram cokelat bubuk (pilih cocoa powder kualitas bagus).
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt garam.
- Dibutuhkan BAHAN TOPING :.
- Siapkan Secukupnya almond slice.
- Dibutuhkan Secukupnya kacang sangrai.
- Siapkan Secukupnya keju parut.
- Dibutuhkan Secukupnya potongan cokelat silver queen.
- Siapkan Secukupnya potongan wafer coklat kit kat.
- Siapkan Secukupnya choco chips.
A few things: using canola oil in addition to butter, and adding dark brown sugar (which, due to its acidity, speeds gluten formation, resulting in chewier brownies). In a bowl, combine sugar, flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder. Combine oil, eggs, corn syrup and vanilla; add to dry ingredients. The brownies that I made before were always cakey or undercook but this one was chewy and fudgy !!
Langkah Pembuatan Chewy Brownies
- Siapkan semua bahan. Chocolate DCC, butter dan minyak sayur dilelehkan dengan cara di tim, lalu sisihkan. Gula halus diayak dan sisihkan..
- Masukkan telur dan gula pada wadah dan Kocok hingga rata..
- Tambahkan lelehan cokelat kemudian aduk hingga rata..
- Masukkan tepung terigu. Garam dan cokelat bubuk lalu aduk hingga rata..
- Olesi loyang dengan margarin, tata kertas roti atau baking paper diloyang kemudian diolesi kembali dengan margarin. Tuang adonan brownies ke dalam loyang kemudian ketuk-ketuk agar adonan rata..
- Pasang sekat loyang brownies kemudian diamkan beberapa saat (kurleb 5 menit) lalu diberi toping dan diamkan beberapa saat kembali. Masukkan ke dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan sebelumnya pada suhu 200 derajat celciusselama 10 menit. Panggang brownies pada suhu 160 derajat celciusdengan api bawah selama 40 menit hingga matang. Suhu dan lama waktu memanggang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik masing-masing oven. Tes kematangan brownis dengan menusuk adonan menggunakan tusuk gigi..
- Dinginkan di cooling rack. Chewy Brownies siap disajikan dan disantap 😍🤩.
I even added m&m ' s , lotus cookies and crushed peppermint candy. I did not add any chocolate chunks as I did not have any chocolate bars at hand. Ever since I made the best chewy, fudgy brownie recipe ever, that were the most delicious, chewy brownies I have ever eaten and promptly lost the recipe for them, I have been searching for a recipe that creates the same chewy-riffic, chocolate bliss that I once experienced. Between all that brownie baking and completing my Ultimate Brownie Guide I'm pretty much your go-to brownie expert. Really, I should put that on my business card.
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