{Resep: Kekinian Dark Chocolate Brownies

Dark Chocolate Brownies. This Dark Chocolate Brownie recipe makes an amazing brownie-treat that will make you a hero. Dark chocolate morsels add delicious richness to this favorite dessert-snack. Are you a dark chocolate person or a milk chocolate person?

Dark Chocolate Brownies Who doesn't love a bite of decadent fudgy goodness? These dark chocolate brownies are an addiction. With a light crust on the top and a super moist center. Cara membuatnya cukup mudah Dark Chocolate Brownies menggunakan 10 bahan dan 7 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.

Bahan yang diperlukan Dark Chocolate Brownies

  1. Dibutuhkan 150 dark chocolate bar, potong kotak kecil.
  2. Siapkan 40 gr vegetable oil.
  3. Siapkan 50-40 gr butter (50 std eggs, 40 large eggs).
  4. Siapkan 2 eggs (untuk 50 gr butter: large lebih cakey, std lebih fudgy).
  5. Siapkan 150-170 gr caster sugar (manis sesuaikan selera).
  6. Siapkan 1 sdt vanilla or lavender or mint essence, opsional.
  7. Dibutuhkan 100 gr plain flour.
  8. Siapkan 35-50 gr gr cocoa powder.
  9. Siapkan 1/4 sdt salt, opsional, jika pakai unsalted butter.
  10. Dibutuhkan 1 sdm almond flakes for topping.

This recipe for brownies is as rich & fudgy as you can get. If you love brownies, get ready to swoon. Add the walnut only if you desire. Whisk in sugar and vanilla into chocolate/butter combination.

Langkah Pembuatan Dark Chocolate Brownies

  1. Dalam bowl tahan panas, campur dark chocolate, butter dan oil. Kemudian panaskan dgn cara di tim atau dalam microwave (20s aduk, 20s aduk) sampai cokat dan butter meleleh. Sisihkan sampai suhu ruang (kira2 30”), sambil menyiapkan bahan lainnya..
  2. Dalam large bowl kocok telur, gula dan vanilla essence dgn whisk sampai gula larut. Klo gak mau cape bisa pake hand mixer, kocok dgn kecepatan rendah selama 3”..
  3. Masukkan campuran coklat-butter-oil ke dalam adonan. Aduk rata..
  4. Masukkan flour dan cocoa powder sambil diayak. Aduk perlahan sampai rata..
  5. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang yg telah dialasi baking paper. Ratakan dan hias bagian atasnya dengan almond flakes..
  6. Panggang dalam oven 170C / fan 150C selama 20-30”. 20” untuk mendapatkan tekstur yg lebih fudgy (underbaked). 30” well baked, tes tusuk hasilnya tidak basah..
  7. Biarkan 30-60” sampai suhu ruang baru dipotong. Gunakan pisau yg telah direndam air hangat. Selamat menikmati 😋💕...

Whisk in eggs, one at a time until thoroughly. A touch of cinnamon enhances the rick dark chocolate goodness in these easy-to-make brownies. Dark Chocolate Rhubarb Brownies are easy to make and delicious. Even though you don't taste the rhubarb, it makes these brownies super moist. You will love this brownie recipe!

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